

The trinity of the cool Hollywood star, the theater kid, and the versatile indie actor lends itself to a powerful collaboration of differing styles and tensions in this love triangle.

Mourning in Lod

The documentary follows three families in the fallout of two tragedies and one godsend.

Stress Positions

The comedy’s title refers to the psychological and emotional state of its characters during a pandemic. (Sounds familiar, doesn’t it?)

Lost Angel: The Genius of Judee Sill

Why isn’t this singer-songwriter more well known today? This is the question the documentary sets out to answer.

Sasquatch Sunset

David Zellner and Nathan Zellner’s latest curiosity treks the four seasons deep in the woods of the Pacific Northwest from the point of a view of a small band of Sasquatches.

Civil War

At heart, this is a road trip film, a vehicular journey down the semi-ruins of cities and small towns, with occasional stops capturing vignettes of chaos.

Housekeeping for Beginners

An unusual and loving portrait of an imperfect family.

The People’s Joker

The brainchild of longtime comedian and TV editor Vera Drew, which began as a dare to reedit Todd Phillips’s Joker.


Perhaps one of the year’s most visually distinct films via its unorthodox approach to musical storytelling.