One Night in Miami
By Ben Wasserman January 12, 2021

A character study grounded in a quartet of stellar performances.
A character study grounded in a quartet of stellar performances.
This is not the sort of film that quietly hooks you. It’s the kind that hits you with electrifying force.
Pixar films have always been existential in some form, but the surreal Soul takes it to its logical extreme.
In many ways, 2020 was the year of the indies; they were often the only game in town.
Aging men and their bounty-sniffing dogs pursue an increasingly antiquated way of life in this amusing and life-affirming gem.
A film that is complex and mesmerizing and makes a backdrop as familiar as the American West seem unfamiliar.
Audiences who have forgotten how no-drama leaders behave will find this inspiring viewing.
The gut-wrenching documentary gives audiences an in-depth and vérité-style look into the early days of the Covid-19 pandemic.
It’s like watching a role-playing game, only the topic is politics and some participants are way too eager to play the bad guy.