Reviews of Recent Independent, Foreign, & Documentary Films
Released Theatrically and on DVD/Home Video
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ABOUNA Two lost boys of Chad
ACTION "Do you know why God invented the theater? So the ugly actor would have a place to work"
ADAM & STEVE Sh*t happens: The strange beginnings of a gay romance
AFRICAN FILM FESTIVAL NEW YORK 2010 The haunting ghosts of European colonialism
or the Tiger?” for the goth set
AFTER THE CUP: SONS OF SAKHNIN UNITED The goals loom larger off the field
AGNES AND HER BROTHERS So a post-op transsexual, a sex addict, and a sexually repressed man all walk into a bar…
THE AGONY AND THE ECSTASY OF PHIL SPECTOR A rock ‘n’ roll genius loses that lovin’ feelin’
sword and sandal epic for the thinking man
AILEEN: THE LIFE AND DEATH OF A SERIAL KILLER A searing portrait of the real life subject of Monster, Aileen Wuornos
ALAMAR A tender drama with father, son, a greedy egret,
and a hungry crocodile
ALIAS BETTY An elegant thriller revolving around two unsentimental portrayals of motherhood
ALICE DOESN'T LIVE HERE ANYMORE Martin Scorsese's Oscar-winning women's lib melodrama
ALL THE REAL GIRLS A subtle portrayal of
awkward young love
ALTIPLANO The violation of a Peruvian + ill-fated humanitarianism
+ the Iraq war = a
watered-down Babel
that saved us was music”
’70s thriller
AMERICAN BLACKOUT African-American disenfranchisement, Representative Cynthia McKinney, and the war on terror
AMERICAN HARDCORE A conventional & cautious look at the angry & unpredictable punk scene of the early ‘80s
ANATOMY OF HELL A truly indecent proposal
AND NOW LADIES & GENTLEMEN Two lost souls, two lost memories
ANIMAL KINGDOM Beware the Down Under mama,
my son – the jaws that bite, the claws that catch
ANOTHER GAY MOVIE American Quiche: American Pie goes gay
thorough, faithful adaptation of a light master work
ANYTHING BUT LOVE Movie memories and technicolor dreams
APRÈS VOUS A romantic comedy where no good deed goes unpunished
THE ARISTOCRATS Showbiz's most notorious & sickest joke thoroughly examined
ARMY OF CRIME Commies & the foreign-born fight for France’s freedom
AROUND A SMALL MOUNTAIN Life’s a circus, then you cry
AROUND THE BEND Male Bonding 101
AROUND THE WORLD IN 80 DAYS (1956) Lush and luminous all-star bonanza
ART SCHOOL CONFIDENTIAL "Are you a 'great artist' when it comes to fellatio?"
ASK THE DUST Crash: The Prequel
THE ASPHALT JUNGLE Posh MGM does gritty film noir
ASSASSIN Margaret Cho, at her most "dangerous"
ASSISTED LIVING A ray of light (and a hit of a joint) in a lonely nursing home
ASYLUM Creepiness & carnality in a hospital hothouse
AUTUMN A tribute to French film falls flat
AUTUMN SPRING Puckish prankster is punk'd
THE AVIATOR Soaring with a few tailspins: Martin Scorsese's tribute to the golden age of Hollywood and aviation
AWESOME: I F*****' SHOT THAT! A lovingly-made 90-minute epileptic seizure
BAADASSSSS! (a.k.a. GETTIN' THE MAN'S FOOT OUTTA YOUR BAADASSSSS!) "If you can make asses look good, faces are a snap."
BABEL An all-star international cacophony
first year of life, in all of its evolutionary glory
BAD GUY Director Kim Ki-duk's tale of a sexual terrorist and his coed/whore
THE BALLAD OF JACK & ROSE A father and daughter against the world
BALLETS RUSSES From Russia, en pointe
BALZAC AND THE LITTLE CHINESE SEAMSTRESS During Maoist "re-education," two city boys open the eyes of a local beauty
THE BAND WAGON Lighter-than-air comedy with stellar Astaire dance numbers
BANG RAJAN It takes a village - to stand up against the enemy
THE BARBARIAN INVASIONS Daddy's dyin' and who's got the smack?
BATTLE IN HEAVEN Mexico's rich and poor come together - in bed
THE BATTLE OF ALGIERS Prophetic, provocative and groundbreaking
THE BAXTER Come back to the five and dime, Bill Pullman, Bill Pullman
THE BEAT THAT MY HEART SKIPPED Fingers redux: A riveting & slick French remake of James Toback's first film
BEAUTIFUL CITY Dead boy walking: "The pleasure which is in forgiveness is not found in revenge"
THE BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY From Vietnam to America, the elliptical odyssey of an outcast
THE BEAUTY ACADEMY OF KABUL Extreme makeover - Afghani style
BEEN RICH ALL MY LIFE Dancers discover the fountain of youth
BEE SEASON E - L - L - I - P - T - I - C - A - L, elliptical
BEFORE SUNSET In this follow-up to Before Sunrise, the talk fest continues
BEFORE THE FALL (NAPOLA) Two German lads rebel against Nazi militarism
BE HERE TO LOVE ME Songwriter Townes Van Zandt get his due in this posthumous tribute
A documentary about stripping doesn’t reveal enough
BEING JULIA Brava Bening: A diva will not be scorned
vibrant romp is the best of the recent British underdog comedies"
BEOWULF & GRENDEL The high school English perennial revitalized
THE BEST OF YOUTH All in the family: An intimate and moving contemporary epic
movies and wasted lives
BEYOND THE ROCKS Gloria Swanson and Rudolph Valentino together for the first time in 70 years
BEYOND THE SEA Tonight at the Copa, Mr. Bobby Darin
THE BIG ANIMAL The dromedary who came in from the cold
BIG DEAL ON MADONNA STREET 20 YEARS LATER The gang returns for one last score - without the zest
BLAZING SADDLES "Excuse me while I whip this out."
BLIND SHAFT A conniver in a coal mine
BLIND SPOT An often-riveting act of
contrition by Hitler's secretary
THE BLONDS A filmmaker highlights her family's dark roots
THE BLOOD OF MY BROTHER Iraq in wartime, from an Iraqi Shiite point of view
BLOW-UP Making sense of merrymakers and murder
gory bedtime story not for children only
BOB & CAROL & TED & ALICE "First we'll have an orgy, then we'll go see Tony Bennett"
BOBBY JONES: STROKE OF GENIUS From Savior to sport icon: Jim Caviezel's other title role from 2004
BOMB THE SYSTEM It's as if Basquiat knocked up The Warriors and had a sophomore film
student deliver the baby
BONHOEFFER German pastor resists the Third Reich
BONJOUR MONSIEUR SHLOMI Think Good Will Hunting, but better
BOOGIE WOOGIE An artful social ballet in high society London
THE BOONDOCK SAINTS II: ALL SAINTS DAY Ready or not, a sequel to the DVD cult
hit/box-office flop
BORN INTO BROTHELS Streetwise in Calcutta
BOYNTON BEACH CLUB Golden girls & guys not letting the parade pass them by
THE BOYS OF BARAKA Great - or lower - expectations in the projects of Baltimore
Everyone sing along: “There’s nothing I would rather be than to
be an Aborigine!”
BREAKFAST ON PLUTO The fabulous life of a streetwalker
BREAKING NEWS 15 Minutes in a Dog Day Afternoon
BREAKING UPWARDS The trials of young people on a young filmmaker’s
BREATH MADE VISIBLE “I’ve always said that dance is the breath made
visible”: modern dance master Anna Halprin
BRICK A dead teenager drama-cum-film noir
BRIDE & PREJUDICE Jane Austen with a sari
THE BRIDESMAID (LA DEMOISELLE D'HONNEUR) Mama's boy + femme fatale = 2 deaths and counting
BRIGHT LEAVES You can't go home again on Tobacco Road
BRIGHT YOUNG THINGS The party's over, darling
BRINGING UP BABY Grant, Hepburn and a baby leopard on the loose
BROADWAY: THE GOLDEN AGE A trip down memory lane on the Great White Way
BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN The lonesome West: Finding and losing love on the range
BROKEN FLOWERS "It's strange how people's lives change, isn't it?"
BROKEN WINGS Haifa-delity: An imploded Israeli family comes together
BROTHERHOOD A gay neo-Nazi love story
BROTHERS A Danish couple in over their heads in love & war
THE BROTHERS GRIMM Terry Gilliam's self-conscious meditation on Terry Gilliam
BROTHERS IN ARMS John Kerry, reporting to duty
BROTHERS OF THE HEAD Who else but a bosom buddy will tell you how rotten you are?
BUBBLE Steven Soderbergh changes gears in this insular working-class murder mystery
BUFFALO SOLDIERS Shooting with blanks
BUGSY The glossy gangster epic with 15 extra minutes
BUKOWSKI: BORN INTO THIS Blurry-eyed look at the late barfly poet
maverick cancer curing doctor vs. Big Pharma
BUSH'S BRAIN The American Machiavelli
BUS 174 A Brazilian youth invisible no more
THE BUSTER KEATON COLLECTION Ten two-reelers quickies short on subtlety
THE BUTTERFLY That is as rare as a good friend
CABIN FEVER Bloodbath (and laughter) in the woods
CACHÉ (HIDDEN) A Paris couple star in their own Rear Window
CAFÉ LUMIÈRE Hou Hsiao-hsien's minimalist memorial to the master Yasujiro Ozu
CAIRO TIME Summertime among the pyramids
CALENDAR GIRLS Knickers off!: 12 naked women
CALIFORNIA SPLIT (1974) A superlative example of Altman in his ’70’s prime
A CALL GIRL Loving daughter,
university student, successful whore
CAMP "A guy like you can have a really lucky summer here"
CAPOTE The bio of the man Norman Mailer called "the most perfect writer of my generation"
CAPTURING THE FRIEDMANS Rashomon meets The Crucible
CARANDIRU Brazilian Big House ballistics
CARNAGE Macabre musings
THE CARTEL Anti-government rant of wasted public school
THE CARY GRANT BOX SET An indispensable collection: The icon in all his glory
CASA DE LOS BABYS Cultura clash
and influence people with a whole lot of cash
CAVITE Kill or be killed, a sociopolitical Phone Booth
CELL 211 Caged heat explodes in a somber hostage drama more like Attica (and not
Dog Day Afternoon)
CENTURION Barbarians vs. the
Romans: Not a bloody good time
CHAIN CAMERA Passed from one high school student to another, the camera becomes a confessional
CHANGING TIMES Catherine Deneuve & Gérard Depardieu reunite in Tangiers
CHICAGO This sure ain't Oklahoma!
CHI-HWA-SEON (PAINTED FIRE) Nineteenth century painter as rock star; winner of the Cannes Film Festival's best director award (2002)
THE CHORUS (LES CHORISTES) Monsieur Mathieu's opus
CINEVARDAPHOTO A charming and eclectic trip down memory lane
CITY OF GOD "Directors Lund and Meirrelles grab hold of your attention and
don’t let go"
literary nowhere man propped up by a stellar cast
THE CLAY BIRD Like the object of the title, a young boy growing up in a madrasa yearns for freedom
CLEAN Hong Kong action queen Maggie Cheung as a junkie
THE CLEARING Where sap is not only in the woods
CLOSE YOUR EYES See visions of hell and solve a crime
awkwardly titled & conventional extra-marital affair
COFFEE AND CIGARETTES An all-star indie improvisation class
COLD MOUNTAIN Warm heart: love keeps the home fire burning
COLLATERAL DAMAGES/THE FIRST 24 HOURS Firefighters of New York City: one year after 9/11
THE CONCERT Tchaikovsky’s Concerto for Violin and Orchestra with extra schmaltz
CONFIDENCE Attitude is more like it
CONGO: WHITE KING, RED RUBBER, BLACK DEATH The real Heart of Darkness: King Leopold II
CONSPIRACY OF SILENCE Catholic conundrums
THE CONSTANT GARDENER John le Carré's angry African thriller, by way of City of God
CONTROL ROOM The war in Iraq through an Arab lens
CONVENTION The Mile High City
hosts a big party, riot police not optional
THE COOLER Karma chameleon
THE CORPORATION Psychopathic corporate capitalism
COTE D'AZUR A frolicking French family's follies
coming to a city near you
COWARDS BEND THE KNEE And abandon their girlfriends at the most inappropriate moments
CRASH Brutal & blunt portrayal of Los Angeles as a shattered mosaic
CRAZY HEART Playing a grizzled, disheveled, self-medicated Peter Pan brings
Jeff Bridges down to his knees (and a well-deserved Oscar)
CRIMINAL An American remake of Nine Queens
CRIMSON GOLD Un Certain Regard Jury Award winner at the 2003 Cannes Film Festival
CRONICAS For one reporter, a child serial killer is a story of a lifetime
CROPSEY Absorbing, if not lurid, shocker about a
real-life bogeyman
CROSSING THE BRIDGE: THE SOUND OF ISTANBUL A tour along the Bosporus strait through music
Director Terry Zwigoff profiles his friend, illustrator
Robert Crumb, without boundaries
CUBA: ISLAND OF MUSIC Girls! Girls! Girls!
CYRUS Seriously, stop @#&% my mumblecore
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