Cha Cha Real Smooth
By Andrew Plimpton June 24, 2022

Though supposedly the characters are messy and flawed, the film’s second half feels like a disguised PSA for behaving nice and having functional conversations.
Though supposedly the characters are messy and flawed, the film’s second half feels like a disguised PSA for behaving nice and having functional conversations.
The iconoclastic Canadian designer Bruce Mau, who has helped expand the perception of what design could do, takes the spotlight.
Childhood is a time when boundaries are set and tested. As such, the line between kindness and cruelty can be especially hazy. René Clément’s Forbidden Games (1952) dramatizes two children’s fascination with death, which leads them to kill an animal; Richard Hughes’s brilliant novel A High Wind in Jamaica (1929) views a group of children […]
This fierce drama follows in the footsteps of other recent Ukrainian films examining the effect of war in the Donbass region.
A moving snapshot of life in Ukraine’s volatile Donbass region.
An immersion into an almost hermetically sealed world that is so detailed and uncomfortable that parts of it feel like a documentary.
An insightful documentary that immerses viewers into the mental space of its titular subject.
A piercing portrayal of the numbness that grieving perpetuates.
Director Justin Kurzel envisions the days leading up to the 1996 Port Arthur massacre from the killer’s point of view. The emphasis here is on understanding the context that led to the tragedy, without excusing either the killer or the crime.