
DVD/Streaming/On Demand

Circus of Books

This lively documentary centers on two people who seem the least likely to become involved in gay pornography: a married, conservative, heterosexual couple.

Robert the Bruce

A sequel of sorts to Mel Gibson’s wildly successful, albeit historically inaccurate, 1995 epic Braveheart.

True History of the Kelly Gang

Striking, at times exhilarating, but ultimately uneven, the adaptation of Peter Carey’s novel is a fascinating addition to the depictions of the outlaw Ned Kelly.

Selah and the Spades

A unique high school drama, infused with the Mafia’s influence and subtle teenage angst, all in a rarefied setting.

Beyond the Visible: Hilma af Klint

The documentary makes a case for the painter’s genius and significance with an old-fashioned reverence, while taking modern potshots at the art world along the way.

A White, White Day

A beautifully paced character study disguised as a murder mystery that burns slowly, gradually raising the tension to the breaking point.


Cooking becomes an outlet for a 12-year-old boy to explore and tweak culture through cuisine.

Slay the Dragon

Ambitious in scope, the documentary tracks the historic, but by no means dead, practice of gerrymandering.


A crime films that clearly aims to emulate Quentin Tarantino, Guy Ritchie, and Martin McDonough.