

Before Stonewall: The Making of a Gay and Lesbian Community

The restored documentary takes viewers back to the early 20th century before the pivotal riots in the summer of 1969.

Toni Morrison: The Pieces I Am

A loving celebration and an impressionistic portrait that explores the events and influences that shaped Morrison’s writing career.

Human Nature

An intriguing film that introduces viewers to a cutting-edge new science without ever losing sight of the human aspect.

Blue Note Records: Beyond the Notes

A love letter to the Blue Note Records, with nothing but positive things to say about the greatest jazz label and its roster of immense, game-changing talent.

This One’s for the Ladies

Director Gene Graham’s documentary is one of the few recent movies that have been released with the restrictive NC-17 rating, but don’t let that fool you: its outlook is more wholesome than prurient.


More an ideal introduction for opera newcomers and those who may not have been around at the titular figure’s zenith as a media star.

Ghost Fleet

A harrowing and effective documentary about modern slavery in the Thai fishing industry.

The Lavender Scare

This much-needed history lesson gives an eye-opening look at a little-known period of discrimination.

The Raft

An intriguing, satisfying documentary about good intentions undermined by bad science.