Sauvage | Cannes 2018
The almost clinical depiction of the hand-to-mouth life of a male sex worker.
The almost clinical depiction of the hand-to-mouth life of a male sex worker.
An accessible crowd-pleaser in the mode of early 1990s art-house hits.
Will this year be the beginning of a new era for Cannes?
There were more than enough films to choose from for this year’s best-of compilation.
Truly a political film, Darkest Hour aims to fulfill the needs of its constituents.
Director Francesco Patierno adapts Norman Lewis’s 1978 poignant and picturesque memoir into an impressionistic documentary.
A black comedy of revenge and a comedy of anger.
A mash-up of lump-in-your-throat romance, espionage thrillers, and then some, this fantasy is catnip for unapologetic movie musicals fans.