Reviews of Recent Independent, Foreign, & Documentary Films in Theaters and DVD/Home Video
the films that director Margarethe von Trotta and actress Barbara Sukowa
have made together, the most memorable is their 1986 biopic Rosa
Luxemburg, an in-depth look at the early 20th century
socialist/proto-feminist leader. For this talented duo’s latest
collaboration, the engrossing biography Vision, they have
traveled back another 800 years to explore the life of the 12th
century abbess and mystic Hildegard von Bingen. Von Trotta—who originally was interested in making this biography in the early 1980s, but she couldn’t find the financing—does present one of von Bingen’s “stage works,” enacted by her fellow nuns for the benefit of visiting church leaders. But von Bingen’s role as a seer and a mystic is the movie’s primary focus. Her visions make her a prophet in the eyes of some of the men of the church, while others are more skeptical, going so far as to say the visions are the devil’s work and condemning her as a heretic. Appropriately, Von Trotta opens Vision with a sequence depicting the last day of the first millennium, as a church full of worshippers discover that the end of the world has, in fact, not yet arrived. This opening scene not only places von Bingen’s biography in the context of its era but also wittily comments on the continuing phenomenon of believers 1000 years later to twist what they perceive as “God’s plan” to suit their own agenda. But
Vision is not at all anti-religious. Von Trotta’s episodic
account of this absorbing true story is straightforward and
conscientious as it explores how significant religious belief was nearly
a millennium ago, although there was also an implicit sexism at work.
According to the film, von Bingen’s prodigiousness was, if not outright
encouraged, at least allowed by the patriarchal church mainly because
she lived in a cloistered world with very few opportunities to influence
others. That she is now an icon in every sense of the word refutes such
a narrow judgment.