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Written & Directed by
Joel and Ethan
Coen, based on the novel by Charles Portis
Produced by
Scott Rudin &
the Coens Released by
Paramount Pictures
110 min. Rated
With Jeff Bridges, Hailee Steinfeld, Matt Damon, Josh Brolin, Barry
Pepper, Dakin Matthews, Paul Rae, Domhnall Gleeson, Elizabeth Marvel
“I was told you were a man of true grit.” Those are the
words of Mattie Ross, a 14-year-old force of nature who could just as
easily be describing herself. Turns out she’s speaking to Marshal
Reuben “Rooster” Cogburn as played by Jeff Bridges, continuing his
never-ending upward career trajectory.
While Mattie (newcomer Hailee Steinfeld) may
be young in years, she has the steely determination of someone far
older. She has traveled to Fort Smith, Arkansas, to bury her father and
to avenge his killer, Tom Chaney (Josh Brolin), a decrepit simpleton
traveling with a bunch of outlaws. This is the Old West after all, a
place where—no pun intended—it’s an eye for an eye. (In fact, Rooster
happens to be missing one.) The marshal has a history of violence, with
a bloody trail in his wake. Early on at an inquiry, he is cross-examined
by an attorney about his renegade style. He might be a drunk and a cad,
but he’s also a marksman and believes in his own brand of justice.
Rooster Cogburn is the creation of author
Charles Portis, who has been getting a lot of press recently. One
reason, no doubt, is because he has been largely ignored for the past 30
years but also perhaps because a lot of filmmakers taking on remakes like to say they
have gone back to the original source (Matt Reeve’s recent Let Me In
comes to mind). And as far as True Grit is
concerned, that well may be true, but the patched eye is only one thing
that brings the iconic John Wayne and the 1969 version to mind.
Wisely, the Coen brothers instead train their
focus on the young Mattie Ross, as Portis does in his book. Perfectly
cast, Steinfeld is
the same age as the character as written. After
haggling with (and outwitting) the local horse trader and teaching him
never to judge a book by its cover, she uses her money to hire Cogburn
to help her snag Chaney. Resistant at first, he ultimately
relents. Another one who gives in to Mattie is the prissy Texas Ranger LaBoeuf, an excellent Matt Damon in the role Glen Campbell originated.
LaBoeuf has been pursuing Chaney for reward money, and the trail has
taken him to Mattie and Rooster Cogburn.
It doesn’t take long for Bridge’s Cogburn to
begin admiring Mattie’ mettle while Damon’s thin-skinned LaBoeuf actually
tries beating her into submission with a switch. Cogburn’s cocked pistol
aimed at LaBoeuf ends that episode and sends the Ranger off on his
own for a short time. These early scenes with the three main characters
traveling through hostile Choctaw territory while still navigating their
own relationships provide the film with its tension. How will these
three come together and do what’s necessary when they barely get along?
Relationships are precarious in True Grit. There’s not all that
big a difference between Cogburn and LaBoeuf’s relationship than there
is between Cogburn and Lucky Ned Pepper (Barry Pepper), the leader of
Chaney’s outlaw gang. Disrespecting someone can mean certain death.
Justice is personal and swift.
Out on the open plains, the Coens take their
time bringing the threesome to their confrontation, though that outcome
is never doubted. No other filmmaker’s approach to storytelling is as
deliberate and confident as theirs with the possible exception of
Steven Spielberg, one of the film’s executive producers. No moment
feels wasted. Roger Deakin’s cinematography is again a character in of
itself. Like No Country for Old Men, the country looks both
beautiful and fierce. While True Grit might have some sudden
sparks of violence, the gore is minimal, and there’s an absence of
sadism. Most of the gunplay, for example, is shot from a distance.
And as for Jeff Bridges, The Dude’s biggest
problem is, of course, filling the boots of The Duke. No matter how good
an actor Jeff Bridges is, and he’s certainly better than John Wayne ever
was, he’s no icon. In a career of great and versatile roles that have
included The Last Picture Show, American Heart, and
Tucker to name just a few, he might only now be hitting his true
stride. Along with Crazy Heart and The Door in the Floor,
True Grit puts him at the top of his generation of actors.
True Grit
ends with a flash forward some 25 years later with a middle-aged Mattie.
It’s a scene that frankly feels pasted on and somewhat superfluous. No
doubt if and when the Coens are confronted about this, they’ll shrug and
simply respond, “It’s in the book, it’s in the book.”
Adam Schartoff
December 20, 2010
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