Reviews of Recent Independent, Foreign, & Documentary Films
in Theaters and DVD/Home Video

Produced & Directed by Liz Canner Released by
First Run Features
USA. 78 min. Not
Ultimately what comes
to the fore of Liz Canner’s Orgasm, Inc. has less to do with
sexual fulfillment and more to do with whether every impaired experience
in life calls for a prescriptive solution. At the core of this
documentary, one which straddles the line of humor and earnestness, is
the very serious issue of greed at the risk of health. The prospect that
the pharmaceutical industry sees enormous profits in (a) first
convincing women that something is clinically wrong with them if they
can’t achieve orgasm and then (b) providing a solution in the form of a
pill, cream, or spray, is quite serious, indeed.
The film begins when Canner is hired by a
pharmaceutical company to edit some erotic videos, which will ultimately
be used to assist in a series of drug trials. During the course of her
work at Vivus, she uncovers enough information to question whether there
is any real condition at all. Thus, begins her nine-year odyssey in
making this documentary.
While she challenges the industry, she
doesn’t go far enough in hammering at the same people that hired her to
edit the porn. Perhaps there was something of a conflict of interest which motivated Canner to remain a bit too moderate. The film is
chock-full of interviews with sex therapists, pharmaceutical reps,
frustrated women, and medical professionals, all espousing on whether or
not there’s a medical cure for this problem or whether the issue is
mostly conditional. The film’s most engaging moments involve the
outspoken activist and psychologist Leonore Tiefer, who has been
diligently attending and testifying at the Food and Drug Administration
hearings for various pharmaceutical candidates. These procedures
seem like they should be no-brainers since so much evidence is brought
up showing potential dangers, like the altering of
hormones, yet it’s disconcerting how close some of the medicines get to
winning FDA approval. Another memorable moment is the filmmaker’s
interview with an obviously conflicted saleswoman at a medical
convention selling the procedure called a vaginoplasty (details of which
may be Googled). She half-humorously requests that Canner hold off
showing the film until she’s found a new job.
However, there are far too many advocates
pushing hard for the antidote for female sexual dysfunction, and a few
are shown, like Dr. Stuart Meloy, the inventor of the orgasmatron
(wasn’t that invented by Woody Allen in Sleeper?), and the Oprah
friendly Berman sisters, a cottage industry unto themselves. The sex
therapists come across as transparent mouthpieces for the pharmaceutical
industry. With only a little investigating, it is found that they have
hefty deals for promoting Viagra for women.
There’s still a huge story here about the
physical exploitation and risk that women are made to suffer, all in the
name of sexual gratification and a doubtful ailment perpetuated by a
segment of the medical industry and promoted by the media. A more
serious film might have given this controversy more weight than
Orgasm Inc., which is deadly serious one moment and vaguely
humorous the next (perhaps to make the subject more palatable). Canner
has laid out the issue, if only she had brought the matter to a
stronger… sorry…climax.
February 11, 2011
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