Film-Forward Review: [MAD HOT BALLROOM]

Reviews of Recent Independent, Foreign, & Documentary Films in Theaters and DVD/Home Video

Wilson & Jatnna in MAD HOT BALLROOM
Photo: Claudia Raschke-Robinson/Paramount Classics

Directed by: Marilyn Agrelo.
Produced by: Marilyn Agrelo & Amy Sewell.
Written by: Amy Sewell.
Director of Photography: Claudia Raschke-Robinson.
Edited by: Sabine Krayenbuehl.
Music by: Original Music by: Steven Lutvak & Joseph Baker.
Released by: Paramount Classics.
Country of Origin: USA. 105 min. Rated: PG.

This highly entertaining documentary follows several groups of New York City fifth graders as they learn ballroom dancing for a citywide competition. Over the course of 10 weeks, the rambunctious children transform from being grossed out at the thought of dancing with the opposite sex to young ladies and gentlemen who can dance the merengue and the tango with style and attitude. The kids carry the film as they discuss their hopes for the competition as well as the difficulties of growing up in the inner city. They are unaware that talking about drug dealers and parental infidelity may be unusual for 11 year olds.

Although the premise sounds like a lot of fluff, the picture actually has surprising depth. It is moving to hear the teachers talk about their students and how much they believe the dancing has a positive influence on them. There is also a great deal of comedy from the kids’ hilarious insights and comments. The film’s best moments occur when they dance. There are a few dull moments (mainly when no children are on screen), but for the most part the film’s a fascinating watch. And one of the teams makes it to the final round, creating a nerve-wracking finale. Lauren Hines
May 13, 2005



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