Reviews of Recent Independent, Foreign, & Documentary Films
in Theaters and DVD/Home Video

Directed, Photographed & Edited by Michel Negroponte
Written by
Nick Pappas & Joni Wehrli Released by
First Run Features
USA. 84 min. Not
If addiction is a bitch, kicking it is a motherf**ker. But
what if there was a magic pill or serum you could take when going
through withdrawal, something that made the process painless and stopped
the jones? Shouldn’t that be distributed to every addict on the planet? Well, it turns out that there’s a highly controversial drug that exists
and does just that. It’s called ibogaine. So why doesn’t anyone know
about it if it’s such a miracle cure? Probably because it’s a
hallucinogen and illegal as a result.
Dimitri Mugianis, the subject of Michel
Negroponte’s fascinating new documentary, is a former musician and drug
addict, who, after being mentored in the ways of administering ibogaine,
made helping others detox his life’s mission. You might think that the
risks he takes are questionable at times, but what is
indisputable is his absolute commitment to helping others with their
illness. Since the drug is illegal, Mugianis must work covertly, usually
meeting his clients in motels on the outskirts of New York City. He
consults medical experts on the phone, but a medical professional is
never present; being caught would certainly result in being stripped of
a license and jail time. While never losing sight of the fact that
what he’s doing is against the law, Mugianis is not morally conflicted.
He has quite clearly grappled with all sides of the issue and has come
to the conclusion that his work’s essential. Sitting in Union
Square, Mugianis movingly talks about all the friends he has lost to
drugs over the years, and, indeed, how he himself ought to have been
among those dead.
On one detox weekend, taking place just
outside Toronto, he attempts to help two brothers, both extremely
addicted young men. Holed up in a cabin for the process of the
withdrawal, one of the brothers has a seizure caught on camera. Believing for a moment that he lost the young
man, Mugianis reconsiders the precarious nature of what he’s doing. The
moment when he contemplates his own arrogance should come as a relief
for any skeptics of the film. However, its subject is, at his very core,
a humble man. The moment comes across as pivotal since it also appears
to motivate the next chapter of I’m Dangerous With Love (the
title is taken from a song), which takes Mugianis to Africa to fulfill
what he believes to be the culmination of his journey—completing the
rituals necessary in becoming a genuine shaman, one of which involves a
disturbing ceremony. Mugianis’ psychotropic trip included
hallucinations, tears, and retching. Pretty shocking stuff.
Interestingly, the documentary’s weakest
section is where Negroponte turns the camera on himself. For some
reason, he feels compelled to self-administer ibogaine and film the
experience. While he wisely times this during a weekend when his
family’s out of town, the scene does not really contribute to the film
in any significant way. Negroponte, whose documentary Methadonia
screened at the 2005 The New York Film Festival, has otherwise made a
riveting portrait of an imperfect man trying to come to terms with his
past mistakes and to use that same compulsive energy to helping others.
Keep an eye out for Negroponte. No doubt, there will be more worthwhile
films to come.
Adam Schartoff
January 14, 2011
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