Reviews of Recent Independent, Foreign, & Documentary Films in Theaters and DVD/Home Video
Acknowledging the fragility of memory in her 80th year, she revisits her homes—first her birthplace, Brussels; then, having fled war, the south of Vichy France; afterwards, postwar Paris and the world; then to the Los Angeles of surfers and Black Panthers; and back to France for family and widowhood. On each of her favorite beaches, she interacts with photographs, three-dimensional collages, home movies, and film/video installations, all associated with periods in her life. In her documentary The Gleaners and I (2000), Varda mused “I glean images” and here she illustrates her methodology. She (literally) parades clips from her work to show how she drew on her life experiences and locales for her art, and reunites with those who influenced or helped her or even participated as extras. Unlike so many biographical clip joints, this is a delightful way to present her still-fresh oeuvre either as a retrospective or an introduction for viewers not familiar with such lively films as her Cleo from 5 to 7 (1962). Varda is constantly on the screen with her distinctive, variously dyed bowl bob (even sometimes called a beach cut). She announces in the beginning, “I’m playing the role of an old lady,” but she is even more interested in listening to people than talking about herself. Her irresistible joie de vivre brings together an enthusiastic motley crew of friends—like Jane Birkin—neighbors, children, and circus folk to playfully reenact and reinterpret episodes and inspirations in her life. Her very unordinary life seized the zeitgeist of significant cultural movements from Europe to America, and the people who dropped by her home included the likes of Alexander Calder, Jean Luc Godard, and Chris Marker (seen here disguised, of course, as a cartoon cat). She roped young friends into her films, capturing the acting debuts of Philippe Noiret and Gérard Depardieu (he also babysat for her daughter). The emotional
centerpiece of the film is her shared life of activism, children, and
art with the late Jacques Demy as her great love (and she is
fairly revelatory about
their long marriage). She is a romantic as well as a
proud mother and grandmother, but this is very much the story of a
feminist artist who was no mere appendage or muse to a man. Like
Joan Didion, she works through her great grief
with her art. The Beaches of Agnès is her glorious and generous
80th birthday present to
filmgoers, and we can all celebrate
with her.
Nora Lee Mandel