
About Caroline Ely

Caroline Ely is a TV, movie, and art lover who worked for years in the television industry. Until a few years ago, she would have described herself as well traveled, and she hopes to live up to that description again very soon. She lives in New York and often heads to the San Francisco Bay Area.


    A sometimes-chaotic family drama that takes the measure of facing terminal illness little by little, scene by scene.

    By |January 25th, 2024|Family drama|0 Comments

      Inshallah a Boy

      As Jordan’s international feature Oscar entry, this somber story of injustice and one woman’s breaking point should garner deserved attention.

      By |January 11th, 2024|Middle East, Top Picks|0 Comments

        The Crime Is Mine

        A charming, effervescent, and smart addition to François Ozon’s always fast-moving, fast-changing body of work.

        By |December 26th, 2023|Comedy, Top Picks|0 Comments


          Self-hate, self-harm, and a sicko plot twist are Eileen’s way stations, along with a few tantalizing glimpses of the redemptive power of love.

          By |December 5th, 2023|Book adaptation|0 Comments

            Beyond Utopia

            Madeleine Gavin’s documentary probably gives viewers the most complete—and harrowing—picture of the nightmare involved in fleeing North Korea.

            By |November 2nd, 2023|Documentary, Top Picks|0 Comments


              Sofia Coppola tells a disquieting, empathetic, and very American story based on Priscilla Presley’s 1985 memoir Elvis and Me.

              By |October 30th, 2023|Biopic, Book adaptation|0 Comments

                Joan Baez I Am a Noise

                The candid biographical documentary of the iconic folk singer and social justice crusader.

                By |October 5th, 2023|Documentary|0 Comments

                  Invisible Beauty

                  Fashion docs tend to be fawning anyway, but this one has a subject worthy of fawning over.

                  By |September 16th, 2023|Documentary|0 Comments

                    Before, Now & Then

                    A subtle, atmospheric period film that draws on the same palette as Wong Kar-Wai’s signature film, In the Mood for Love.

                    By |August 24th, 2023|Family drama, War|0 Comments